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Post-Op dietary needs


  • DO NOT try to eat solid foods until the local anesthetic wears off. You will have no feeling in the surrounding area, including your tongue, and may unknowingly bite yourself.

  • DO NOT use a straw when taking in liquids. The sucking action will cause a vacuum in the mouth and may dislodge the body's natural clotting process.


  • DO take in liquids immediately and prior to taking any pain medication. This will help prevent nausea, an upset stomach, and expedite the medication's effects.


Vitamin Therapy

  • Vitamin C - 1500 mg per day.
    Begin taking five days prior to your surgery and continue until your treatment has been completed.

  • Antibiotics - as prescribed
    It is important that all antibiotics be taken to completion


After Surgery

A nutritious diet throughout your healing stage is most important to your comfort, temperament, and healing. Hungry people become irritable and less able to deal with discomfort which can follow surgery. Since you will be taking medication, it is important that you are aware that eating can prevent nausea sometimes associated with certain medications.

Eating and Drinking:

  • Do not eat or drink dairy products (milk and cheeses) for three (3) to four (4) days after surgery to prevent bacterial growth. This includes and is not limited to: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream and puddings.

  • A small amount of milk in your hot coffee or tea is permissible

  • You may have applesauce, non-cream soups, Jello, soft breads, sherbet, Italian ices, pasta or eggs.

  • Soups, broiled fish, stewed chicken, mashed potatoes and cooked vegetables can be added to your diet as your comfort indicates.

  • Ensure and Boost supply excellent added nutrition. These are especially indicated if other soft foods are not taken in.

  • Please avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, orange juice, and citrus fruits.



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